Believing that a cycle of rebirth was necessary for life to improve, the Luxon created the Luxon beacons from themself, then fell into a deep slumber. This imbued the world with life, and the resulting elemental chaos gave birth to the Primordials, who fought one another and the Luxon. The Luxon eventually found a lifeless planet that was to become Exandria and gave their light to it. Kryn creation myth: The Luxon was born at the creation point of the universe and traveled the universe in search of self-knowledge.It's not a big adjustment, so this time line simply treats the 12 Misuthar date as correct. One could treat that "one year" as approximate, but that one-year break included the creation of a permanent teleportation circle in Whitestone, which would take exactly one year.
He stated that the date was 12 Misuthar, but a previous episode indicated that Vox Machina was taking a full one-year break that would have ended weeks after 12 Misuthar. Vincent Clor's date contradicts another couple of pieces of canon, in a smaller way. And it's a slight stretch to say 14 years is "just over a decade." If the Chroma Conclave attacked in 810 PD, and Allura led a group of adventurers who sealed Thordak about 15 or 16 years before that, then Thordak was sealed in 794 or 795 PD, when Allura would have been a young teenager.Īlthough the canon timeline released at the announcement of Exandria Unlimited shows Vox Machina's campaign taking place between 810 and 812 PD and the new mini-campaign taking place in 842 PD, the announcements repeatedly say that the mini-campaign takes place "almost" or "nearly" thirty years after the Chroma Crisis, which would have occurred between late 810 and early 811 PD.Īnother specific date doesn't seem to fit either scenario well: in " The Adventures of the Darrington Brigade" (OSx35), set in 826 PD, Matt starts the episode by saying it has been "just over a decade since Vecna's ascension and subsequent banishing." That doesn't fit with Vecna's ascension being in 817 PD, as it would have been if the Chroma Conclave attacked in 815. Slightly less straightforward evidence of conflict: Allura Vysoren appeared to be in her mid-fifties in 836 PD. She fled and eventually took over Whitestone five or six years before Vox Machina led the rebellion against them, suggesting that Whitestone was liberated in 815 PD. This was reinforced in an episode in 836 PD: Beauregard Lionett recalled that Delilah Briarwood was ousted from the Cerberus Assembly "25, 26 years" earlier, which would be 810 PD. 815 PD), and it is amply established that they had a foothold in Tal'Dorei by the time Vox Machina began. The guide also notes that the Myriad set up a satellite group in Tal'Dorei twenty years ago (i.e.
That said, the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount contradicts all of the above: it repeatedly states that the Chroma Conclave's attacks on Tal'Dorei and Draconia occurred in 815 PD.

This timeline is a broad chronological overview of events in Exandrian history.